Art, Art and more Art!


These strange Covid19 days have been bitter sweet. I miss my family and the hugs that are normally abundant. I miss travel and the joy of experiencing the journey and the destination.

My home isolation has made art a more dominant focus in most days. The results have been growing confidence and understanding of what I do and why I am doing it anyway.

The Creative Visionary Program and the amazing Mr Nicholas Wilton

I started for the Nicholas Wilton Creative Visionary Program 2020 just a couple of weeks before lock-down. What a wonderful experience it has been. I have been part of a positive global community and my art is developing each time I step up to the easel! I have been able to lose myself in my own colourful worlds and share them with talented, interested contemporaries that fill my eyes and my days with such pleasure.

The course is soon to finish and I move forward, certain that art will always be part of my life. I have made friends and contacts – my support network and inspiring creators seem limitless, as does my desire to push myself forward on a seemingly endless journey!

Emerging Artist Platform

As a result of the dedication and pleasure from the CVP, I’m sure, lovely things have started to happen. I have been invited to show my recent work on an online gallery, Emerging Artist Platform, Hansford and Sons. I found Misha, the lady that contacted me, to be efficient and reliable. My work is displayed beautifully – I look very professional.

The final pieces that I completed during my CVP2020 art course are just receiving some final thought and detail. I am proud to introduce you to some nautical themed (maybe I’m missing the sea) wooden panels, that are either 30x30cm or 60x60cm in size.

My art has not all been bold, bright acrylic mixed media. I have created some more subtle work.


What next?

Once lock-down is lifted, I shall be able to attend a picture framing course at York Art and Crafts, and then these panels will be framed by yours truly! If framing fails to be a talent, I shall delegate as before, but isn’t it great to keep on learning and trying?

Sam Oakes

Web designer based in Harrogate, North Yorkshire

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