“My art celebrates commonplace beauty and colour in nature”


The play of light on a dewy leaf, the natural distribution of shells and pebbles on a beach, the small, worn details of the everyday fascinate me and are as worthy of record as a sunset or a blue-sky beach day. In my art I show appreciation and wonder of the extraordinary in the everyday and the often overlooked. Inspiration appears from nature’s seemingly disorganised elements that make up our environment and naturally create harmony and connection. Stubborn, isolated trees on exposed hillsides, sea-battered wood, moss covered stones all capture my imagination and are the subject of my interest, respect, and art – they are powerful survivors with such tales to tell. Wabi-sabi, the acceptance of imperfection of both natural objects and the forces of nature, appeal to and honour my art. Imperfections and asymmetry are beautiful.

Simple lines, irregular patterns, erratic textures, and the serendipity that binds them together to create unique, rich harmonies where you would least expect them.

Simple pleasures. Sharing my observations on canvas, paper and board brings me simple pleasure too.

My neutral tones are often complimented by palettes appropriate to the four elements, air, fire, earth and water. Collage, especially vintage ephemera, enhances my mixed media works. My intention is to illuminate the complexity and wonder in nature that is often over-looked as we live our busy lives. Watercolour, oil, acrylic and inks also populate my works; I cannot limit myself to one media when capturing a flavour of the profuse textures and intricacies that are everywhere.

I am an energetic, outdoor person that has had to slow down a little. What a blessing! The appreciation of the natural simplicity in the everyday, of our local surroundings that adapt season after season are the inspiration my art. Adaption. Resilience. Belonging. Simplicity. These four words resonate with my life and it is joyful to have identified their significance and to express them through my work and love of the natural landscape. My work has been eclectic as I have developed as an artist, I have tried, trained and tested new skills, I have found many like-minded souls and now I am settled and know what I wish to share with you. Adaption. Resilience. Belonging. Simplicity.
